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Sonic Stew
09.03.24Deep Water - Portishead
Love & Hate In A Different Time (Alternate Version) - Gabriels
Hey Now (When I Give You All My Lovin') - Romare
Kirton Street (Ruffy's 3am Canavan's Special) - Al Dobson Junior
Looki - Khidja
Nuclear War (Basically Kick & Bass Re-rub-) - Sun Ra
Bommsen Boff - Thora Vukk
My Beat (Derrick Carter's Disco Circus Mix) - Blaze
Herc - Fredrico Mancini & Friends
The Slip - Pangaea
Bring In The Katz - KW Griff ft. Pork Chop
Work That Mutha....- Steve Piondexter

Sonic Stew
Sonic Stew links musical movements from across the world within a contemporary context. Expect to hear afro, latin, cumbia and psych interspersed with funk, disco, hip hop and beats, all drawn together by Tom Monobrow of Sound Records