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Raash Records w/ DJ CANT
21.02.24Gosheven - Say it six times
Li Yilei - A star without guidance
Vainio Vãisãnen Vega - Disgrace
Radio commercial - Rockefeller for governor
HIDE - Laff track
Didi Fire - Chayey nisuim
Radian - Bioadapter
Meira Asher - _(MP)_Peacekeepin'
mfikn pRty - Slide
Orchestra of Constant Distress vs The Idealist - Hopelessness dub
Yokel - Bonfire night
Jo Apps - Kausikan
Subsoniq - Trapped
Amit Dagim - GMC
v_isit - gabi LALA
Fact sampler 01 - Track 9

Raash Records
Jerusalem based label monthly show, showcasing music from the region and beyond