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Plaque w/ Yokel
26.02.24Guilo Erasmus - Garbled Joy
Brieske Vergez - Vergez - Nuance
To Rococo Rot - A Little Asphalt Here And There
African-American Sound Recordings - """004"""
Trrrnctrn - B3-Non titre
Bravo Tounky - B1 - François Le Magicien
Lily Haz - Eifo Ha'Atid
Ruutu Poiss - Drumstixxx
Group A - B3 Sioux
Simple Music Experience - B6. panoptique - Inutiles Abats
JP BUCKLE - B1 - JP Buckle - Flex
Stephen Mallinder - Cool Down
Notte Brigante - A2 - Poly dub
Devon Rexi - Sjikamo
Notte Brigante - A5 - Conde`
Goldgelb Records - Kobermann - Gorillazähe
Funk Uphner - Fantastik
model home - underground
Rapport1984 - Back Bile Of Saturn
Exist Records - Muqata's - Irbak
Notte Brigante - B5 - Substance dub
CYSP - Reverse Autonomy
Rapport1984 - Lava Java
Cardinal & Nun - Zombie
DJ F16 Falcon - Limelight
Klofink - Matematisk exakthet
Gub - Gub 6
Nape - Backstabbers F.C.
Gil.Barte - Quetzalcóatl
Abu AMA - I got that touch
Shamos - Muse Wiliss
Jacob Stoy - Overload (Original Mix)
Rat Section - Chuggus
Colin Potter - Mainland
Best Available Technology - Bulldozer Rituals
Shabason / Gunning - Measures of Fog

Twisted sounds from two of Bristol’s favourite faces, Matt Light & Max Kelan. Often seen in The Surrey Vaults smashing glasses and choking on a gag.