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Olivia w/ Philipp Otterbach
19.06.24Maska Genetik - Ocean
Wind Up Toys vs. Clowns Smiling Backwards - Maze Deconstruction No 2
FOG MAN - Tunnel Vision
Antonym - Return to Normal
Acidic Male - Mild Is Your Pain
Hieroglyphic Being - OGEE
Dj Yoav B - Hot One
Faster Action - Disaster Crash
I.B.M. - Body Parts
δρ - δρ - Fifty Fifty (Anatolian Weapons Rework)
Zaliva - D - Misbegotten Ballads
Tala Drum Cops - Gargoyle
Free Range - Jaguar is Waiting
Khidja - The Future Has Disappeared
Interstellar Funk - The Helium Queen
Oorsprongpark - Voyeuristic Tendencies
Benedikt Frey - Alleys

Olivia is open to any sound. Her broad interest in music sees her exploring various genres. Each show is devoted to a different one. From time to time, Olivia will invite friends for joint sound exploration.