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inklingroom w/ Wash Electra & Lindrum
08.02.24Can Azbazdar - Hamdi Ve Ziya
Mc Lan - Rabetão
Drinks on Me - Comply
Objekt - Balloons
Pouch Envy - Sanjin
AMOR SATYR - Tachyon Particles
DJ Swisha - Torcida
Lōtic - Hunted
NKISI - Dark Noise
DJ Die - Dr Know (Original Mix)
M.I.A. - P.O.W.A
Iglooghost - Rust Genome
Sunareht - Promises (Lunice Remix)
Stolen Velour - Nia
Evol - Wabbit Trax 1
Tia Maria Produções - Ele é bom
felicita - Cluck
Sunareht - Break Bandits
Chevel - Glass Bridge
MGMT - Congratulations
Devoye - If You Dance Once...
Color Plus - Pram
DJ Delish, Kali Uchis - TEETH IN MY NECK (Housed Tool Remix)
Tomu DJ - Bedroom DJ (So Drove Remix)
Kingdom & Kelela - Bank Head (Ronnie Loko Edit)
Roska - I Need Love (ft. Anesha)
Shy One - Untitled 9
Ossie - Get Down Pt.2
Anz - Unravel In The Designated Zone
YASHA - For those who still believe
Ultra Naté - Found a Cure (Mood II Rascal Search Dub Mix)
HOCKEYSMITH - Je Ne Serais Pas Là (SHE Spells Doom Remix)

Welcome to inklingroom's monthly at Noods Radio. Every month, we are featuring mixes, podcasts, and live shows from inklingroom's own artists, dj’s, dancers and friends. While we mainly focus on presenting you with our musical agendas and exclusively covering cutting edge electronic music, but we also include interviews with people we work with and those who inspire us. The aim is that every show has its own identity, yet together we re-creating what is in the mind of our event concept: blending the worlds of experimental contemporary dance practices and weirder side of dance music, initiating new connections between provocative emerging and established artists.