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inklingroom w/ wash electra
11.01.24DJ Ojo - Coiled Up
Piezo - Sensory Overdraw (Original)
Cocktail Party Effect - Make It Undone
Sister Zo - The Devil
Hassan Abou Alam - Mage in a Rage
georg-i - Change
Sobolik - Airplane Mode
Anstam - Baldwin
Jabes - iKea Summers
Enayet - Chokkor (Kilbourne Remix)
Tzusing - Balkanize
Slikback - MUD
Christian Coiffure - Meet Her Stage 2
ZULI - Bussra
ZULI - Keen Demag
Jlin - Embryo
COIDO - Slunkk
Leese - Merak Part I
Wordcolour - Bluster (Djrum Remix)
KAVARI - I want you to breathe

Welcome to inklingroom's monthly at Noods Radio. Every month, we are featuring mixes, podcasts, and live shows from inklingroom's own artists, dj’s, dancers and friends. While we mainly focus on presenting you with our musical agendas and exclusively covering cutting edge electronic music, but we also include interviews with people we work with and those who inspire us. The aim is that every show has its own identity, yet together we re-creating what is in the mind of our event concept: blending the worlds of experimental contemporary dance practices and weirder side of dance music, initiating new connections between provocative emerging and established artists.