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Dream Console
09.04.24The Ninja Warriors - UP STAIRS (NAME REGIST)
Valkyrie No Densetsu - Theme of Dark
The Ninja Warriors - PARADOX (ENDING)
Hyper Duel - Buster Gear ~ Cyber Fleet (Stage 1)
Thunder Fox - STAGE 1
Armed Police Batrider - No Way Out [Stage 4 Sewage System]
Acrobat Mission - Mission 1 - Countryside
Vendetta - Auto-Controlled Structure (Stage 2)
Crime City - Prison Breaking
Crime City - Dai gowa yuukaisareta shichou (chuuhen) (ROUND 5)
Hyper Duel - Night Sweeper (Stage 7)
Metal Black - Non-Fiction (Bonus B -Black Out-)
Knights of the Round - Stage 6 (Knights In The Strange Land) [Part 1]
Shadowland - Game Start ~ Funeral
Galmedes - Round 4
Altered Beast - Gaum-Hermer (Boss Theme)
Ninja Master's ~Haou Ninpouchou~ - Kudaketa Genjitsu (Houou)
Operation Wolf 3 - Scene 4-2
Operation Wolf 3 - Scene 3-1
Acrobat Mission - Ending & Credits
The Ninja Warriors - Motherless Children
Rohga: Armor Force (Wolf Fang) - Mechanized Beast - Steely Fang (BGM 7)
Hyper Duel - Black Rain (Stage 6)
Hyper Duel - Congratulation!! (Name Entry)
Over Drive - Konami Avenue
Surprise Attack - Return to Terra (Ending)
Thunder Fox - Ending

Dream Console
Join OkE every 4th Tuesday @midnight to delve into the dusty depths of video game music. Playing everything from rare retro curios to modern masterpieces and the occasional nostalgic favourite