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Act Normal
11.03.24Alberto Boccardi - Silice
Primitive Motion - Trenches of Time
Yuto Ohashi - Unknown Title
Oreste - Shimmering Reflection
Rafael Anton Irisarri - Her Rituals
With Moths - It's All Over These Days
The Midnight Ensemble - Let The Light In
Unknown Artist - Metamorphosis
Velocette - Microcosmik
Berceuse Heroique - Sometimes When I am Alone it Feels Like Everyone I know and Love has Died
Natalie Beridze - When Dreams Become Responsibility
Slink Insomniac - On the Ifness
DJ Python - Esteban
Nikolajev - Rip Lota

Act Normal w/ Walya
A sonic window to deserted soundscapes of urban anxiety. Curated by Walya.